Biblio summary for Caretta caretta
การอ้างอิง Martin, J., D. Gambaiani, M.-A. Sabatte, J. Pelorce, A. Valentini, T. Dejean, G. Darmon and C. Miaud, 2022 A comparison of visual observation and DNA metabarcoding to assess the diet of juvenile sea turtle Caretta caretta in the French Mediterranean sea. Mar. Freshw. Res. 73(4):552-560.
อ้างอิง 126010 Martin, J., D. Gambaiani, M.-A. Sabatte, J. Pelorce, A. Valentini, T. Dejean, G. Darmon and C. Miaud, 2022
หน้า tab.S2
Named Used as Valid Caretta caretta